Blog Update: December 2023
Hey everyone, Once again, there’s not a ton to report but I feel like I should post something since I normally give a monthly update.
Hey everyone, Once again, there’s not a ton to report but I feel like I should post something since I normally give a monthly update.
https://youtu.be/FBzxK9wfMWk November 2023 Blog Update Website October was more of the same for the website. Traffic was steady, but no real growth. Only 300
https://youtu.be/2bc34r-IoaE September was our best month yet overall, but that doesn’t mean we’ve arrived by any means. Let’s just jump into the update. The Website
https://youtu.be/0hnr64BHRwI Blog Update: September 2023 It’s been one year since MartinMoney.com was launched. As I recall, I clicked the “Go Live” button on August 30,
https://youtu.be/FlNCN1fvysk MartinMoney.com Turns One: The Year in Review So, it’s been one year. There are a lot of things I think about when I look
The MartinMoney.com YouTube Channel For those of you who read our blog updates, you know we’ve been planning for what seems like ages to launch
https://youtu.be/gbuDkhRwetM Blog Update July 2023 This one’s going to be kind of brief. I’ve been mostly focused on recording and editing video, which I can
June 2023 Blog Update https://youtu.be/TQvqfcZ8eq4 The Numbers Let’s just jump right in and get to the numbers. There wasn’t any growth in May. We’re still
https://youtu.be/XoQDg9S56N8 Indexing Woes Continue April was an up-and-down month. I’m beginning to feel like I say that every month. Our big victory in March was
Changing Course. A Slightly New Posting Approach If you ever check out our monthly blog journals and updates (now with video!), you know we’re still
https://youtu.be/naensh84nSw March was a bit of a grind with some wins and a few losses. Most of my focus was directed toward getting us indexed
https://youtu.be/SA3uHYiyvjU Summary: We let the proverbial cat out of the bag a few weeks ago and told our friends and relatives about the site. We’ve
https://youtu.be/1Azpa9SiepA 12/31/22 Blog Journal Well, the last couple of months has been a bit humbling. First off, life has been busy. I was barely able
Introducing Average J. Average J is our hypothetical example of the average American. When citing relevant statistics about how Americans behave financially, we’ll refer to Average J as the characterization of that data.
Progress Data Points: October saw a massive reduction in page views, going from 504 in September to 63 in October. I’m attributing this to most
https://youtu.be/lIYU1BZYaMA Progress/Data Points: After one full month of operating the site, we’ve had 504 page views by 107 unique users. We have 19 posts up,
Originally written 9/4/22. Here’s the YouTube version… https://youtu.be/LQraQFY2ZAc I’m not really sure how these posts will be formatted going forward, but I’m sure it will
Why We Started a Finance Blog Welcome to post #1 on our finance blog. We are thankful you’re here. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy your stay. It